Diploma of Completion Level IV diploma o završenoj školi IV stepena.Vocational School-leaving Certificate Level IV - Diploma o završenoj srednjoj stručnoj školi.The Matura or Secondary School Leaving Diploma - Maturska Svjedodzba.Middle-Level Technician - Técnico Medio.Bachiller in the Humanities - Bachiller en Humanidades.Bhutan Certificate of Secondary Educationa (BCSE) + Diploma (3 years).Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate (BHSEC) (Class XII).Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts.Certificat d'Ensignement Secondair Superieur (CESS).Diploma of Secondary Education - Diploma Secondair Onderwijs.Vocational Higher Secondary Certificate.Technical Secondary School Certificate - Tawjahiya.Applied Secondary School Certificate – Tawjahiya.General Secondary School Certificate – Tawjahiya.Certificate of Secondary Education - Attestat Zrelosti.Senior Secondary Education Certificate (Year 12) - Svidetel'stvo Srednem Obrazovanii or Attestat ob okonchanii polnoj srednej shkoly.Reifezeugnis or Reifeprüfungszeugnis (also called the Matura).Certificate of Secondary Education - Svidetel'stvo Srednem Obrazovanii, Attestat ob okonchanii polnoj srednej shkoly or Attestat Zrelosti.Technical/Vocational: Technical Baccalauréat Diploma - le diplome du baccalauréat technique.Education Baccalauréat Diploma - le diplome de l'enseignement.Certificate of Vocational Abilities - Dëftesë e përfundimit dhe Çertifikatë e aftësive profesionale për punëtor të kualifikuar (3 year program from a Vocational School - Shkollë Professionale) + 1 year of higher education studies or equivalent supplementary studies.Certificate of Vocational Abilities - Dëftesë e përfundimit dhe Çetifikatë e aftësive profesionale për punëtor të kualifikuar (5 year program from a High Technical School - Shkollë Teknike).

Maturity Certificate - Dëftesë Pjekurie.Grade 12 Graduation Certificate - Doreyeh Aali.